Be Very Careful of Your Ambitions

Earlier yesterday, I received a message that contained a warning to the church from Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams of Ghana. After intensely seeking the Lord for 33 days the Lord appeared to him and gave him a message for the church.

It wasn’t a butterflies and roses message. What God said shook him to very core of His being. God expressed dissatisfaction with the church. The corruption we accommodated in the assembly was now intolerable to him. He was no longer listening to our collective prayers. Only the individual prayers of those with a clean heart were being answered. Bishop Duncan-Williams was also told that God is bringing correction to the church.

Jesus’ Displeasure

As I thought about the message. I was reminded of the many messages I received from 2011 concerning the church.

Very shortly after recommitting my life to the Lord Jesus Christ I had a dream in October 2011. In the dream I saw two huge hands come out of heaven. In the palm of the hands was an open book. Then a booming and very authoritative voice said “read Isaiah 5”.

The voice was so loud that I was immediately awaken. Great fear came upon me. I knew without a doubt that was God. I read that scripture and began weeping.

On many other occasions the Lord kept speaking to me about the church. Between 2011 to 2012, an entire year, He kept speaking to me about his church. I received scriptures. Sometimes during services. At other times when I was fellowshipping with other believers or walking on the streets. I also had about dreams about the church. In one dream I was shown a meeting of all the leaders of a church. In the dream God revealed the depravity of their lifestyle. Months later while I was enjoying a sermon the Holy Spirit said read Ezekiel 34. I quickly looked it up. Instantly as I read tears began streaming down my face. God was speaking against his shepherds.

Beloved nothing is hidden from God we must always remember that. In September 2020 God spoke to me again about a particular church. I was in fervent prayer when I had a trance. The Lord began showing me what was happening at a church. I saw God anoint a Prophetess. She was being used greatly to make an impact in her church. Many leaders in the congregation came against her but she did not let that stop her from serving faithfully. God was pleased with her commitment. He then positioned her to operate in a greater capacity in the church. Her work would eventually impact the nation.

I watched as senior church members gathered to secretly plot against her. They did not consult God to know His plans for her. In their eyes she was unworthy. She did not have the benefit of higher education from a university. She lacked the social graces and gentility of a lady from high society, among other things. To them what was worse was her background. They thought that was a hindrance. No way could she rise to a national and international level. Not one person among them considered that God is able to mold a surrendered vessel. She was stripped of her position. Then forced out of the church to make room for a more suitable candidate.

The new prophetess had all the material trappings; university education, social graces, human networks, beauty, professionalism, etc.  She was anointed. She had a great calling. God would use her to bring changes to the nation. Yet they did not consider how God planned to use her. She was anointed to operate in another capacity. The church was a secondary ministry. She was a marketplace prophetess.

The church was split down the middle. Many people left the church to follow the former prophetess. Some stayed with their Pastor.  While others chose to go elsewhere. They had enough! They wanted stability. God was desired, without the drama. Instead of going to another charismatic church they went to one that had biblically sound doctrine but no fire.

In all this God was not pleased. He was not happy with what was going to transpire. He would allow it but He was not pleased.

When God showed me that vision in September 2020 He did not allow me to share the vision. I was told to remain quiet, intercede and watch. God said the event would come to pass and it must not be stopped. He was allowing it to happen how they desired.

Be Watchful He Comes Suddenly

My brothers and sisters, we must KNOW THE TIMES AND SEASON WE ARE IN. Christ Jesus is purifying His body. The fear of God is returning to the House of God. The Bride is being made ready for His return. Servants are being removed from their post. Others are being promoted.

I still tremble from what I witnessed last year during the COVID-19 pandemic. There were many times that I received calls to pray for church leaders to be healed. As I was about to pray the Holy Spirit stopped me. I was shown that they were being taken home to heaven. God was no longer allowing them to continue. Their ministry was being brought to an abrupt end. After bringing many people into the Kingdom their life was in the balance. Some served faithfully when they started. They were humble in the beginning. Now the praises of man and the lust of money had overtaken them. The focus was on building their own Kingdom. The saints were being manipulated and chained instead of being liberated with the gospel. Some leaders had become bitter from ministry. Years of rejection, hurt, pain, betrayal, fights, family battles, fatigue, and other battles had made their heart callous. They became harsh in their treatment of the sheep. No longer did they operate in love. God had sent many messengers to bring correction but they were not heeded. God was no longer tolerating what they did. He had decided to free His people so they may experience his kingdom.

When we serve God, It is very important that we are open to correction. We must also allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin. Some sins are not abominable. We don’t lie, steal and murder but the heart is desperately wicked. These sins are hidden in the heart. Our ambitions can be sins of the heart.

We are not called to operate as the World does. We are servants of THE KING. His work comes first. Whatever we do must be acceptable in His eyes. It must give Him glory!

P.S. Please read Ezekiel 34; Isaiah 5.


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